Meet Dana Allen!

Meet Dana Allen!

I asked Dana to write something to share with everyone, so you can get to know her a little! This is what she said....

I’ve always been a fan of audiobooks so getting to narrate them is a delight. Having done theater and puppetry pretty much all my life, I have had innumerable opportunities to work on bringing different characters to life. Character voices and accents have always fascinated me, and audiobooks allow me to lean into them fully. I love getting to play all the different roles in a book – not just the hero, but also the villain, the best friend, the comic relief, you name it. I get to be all of them. How cool is that?

When not working, I can be found running (don’t ask me how I went from “I hate running, let’s never do it” to “Let’s run 48.6 miles in a weekend during the Dopey Challenge at Disneyworld, it’ll be cool” – I truly have no idea), cuddling my sugar gliders – Mushu and Falkor, and hanging out with my family.

Should you wish to get in contact with me, my email is I wish you all the best!

I have a lot I could say about Dana, not just on how talented, skilled, and professional she was/is, but also the kindness she treated me with throughout the entire process both professionally and personally. I can't imagine having done this with anyone else, and I'm so happy with how it turned out.

I hope y'all will give it a listen! And be sure to head to her website, to see other books she's worked on!

Dana's website:

Reave on Audible US
Reave on Audible UK

Reave on Audible CA

*Reave's audiobook is also available on Amazon! Amazon US Link

As a 'bonus', here is a picture of her sugar gliders that she sent for me to share! ^.^ I hope the cuteness brightens everyone's day.