If you want to review one of my books, please fill out the contact form below. Please include links to your website (or blog) and/or any relevant sites. (GoodReads, BookBub, LibraryThing, social media, whichever!)
If you are a reviewer who does so for compensation, please be aware that I will not be interested. I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, pay reviewers to review.
I as of this moment am only offering review copies in epub format. (No physical or PDF copies.)
Occasionally, I might have review copies available through sites like StoryOrigin or BookSprout. You can message me to see if any are available. (If a book is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, that means it won't be listed anywhere else, but please feel welcome to contact me!)
I look forward to hearing from you! :D
PS) If you contact me through here and don't receive an email response from me within 48 hours or so, please check your spam folder. It might've gotten lost there....
PPS) Contacting me through this form does not sign you up for my newsletter/email list. Your email will only be used for me to respond to you. If you would like to sign up for my newsletter, please do that at the link below.
Thank you for reaching out!
I'll get back with you soon. Have a great day!