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To learn more about Dana Allen, narrator of Reave, check out this post!

I update the 'Home' page with information regularly (rather than posting on social media). Be sure to check in if you're interested in what's going on with me/the books!

Updated 8/18/2024

It's been a rough bit here, honestly! I've been dealing with some health issues, but I'm working on and through everything and am doing my best. I've done a bit of work here and there, where able. But I've been doing my best to rest, which has always been a REALLY hard thing for me. It, also, is something I've been working on....

As you can see up above, there's great news! Reave now has an audiobook! It's something that's been a life goal of mine for about a decade, and I'm so happy now to say that it's finally happened.

Dana did an absolutely AMAZING job narrating it. I hope you'll give it a listen, and I hope you all enjoy it. (She does VOICES, by the way! ^.^) Don't miss this post, where you can get to know her a bit! I'll spare everyone me rambling about everything, but I'm hoping to make a (presumably LONG) blog post talking about it all. I'll just have to wait for a day where I have the energy and can get across how absolutely ecstatic I am about this.

I'm hoping so much that everyone is happy, healthy, and well.  ^.^


Links/Former Updates:

Also, I did add some more pictures to Pig's Page, if anyone wants to go look!

If you missed any updates, don't worry! I made a page just for them. Updates Page

A new bookmark is available!

Head to the Bookmarks Page for more information!

If you're interested in hearing about life and plans for the year, check out my post:
The Start of 2024!

If you're interested in hearing how last year went, check out my post:
The First Half of 2023!

Meet Dana Allen!

Meet Dana Allen, narrator of Reave!
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The Start of 2024....

Thoughts, plans, hopes, and dreams....
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FtA and Personal Things

One of the largest ‘points’ of this entire series is just how profound a difference people can have in your life.
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Do you want a bookmark?

Head to the Bookmarks page!

If you're going through a financial hardship and want to read my books, please reach out to me.